Error codes

Learn more about error codes and how to resolve them.

Some errors include an error code which is a short string with a brief explanation. These codes are important when handling errors because they indicate a specific kind of error.

Below is a list of possible error codes, along with additional information about how to resolve them. For convenience, every Error object in the API responses links to this list in its docUrl attribute.


The request contains one or more unexpected query parameters. Remove these and try again.


The request contains one or more unexpected body parameters. Remove these and try again.


One or more required parameters are missing in the body. Check our API documentation to see which parameters are required to create or modify the specified resource.


One or more parameters are invalid in the body. Check our API documentation to see how to set valid parameters to create or modify the specified resource.


One or more parameters require a string value, but the values provided were of different types. Make sure that only supported values are provided for each attribute. Refer to our API documentation to look up the type of data each attribute supports.


One or more parameters require a number value, but the values provided were of different types. Make sure that only supported values are provided for each attribute. Refer to our API documentation to look up the type of data each attribute supports.


One or more parameters require an integer value, but the values provided were of different types. Make sure that only supported values are provided for each attribute. Refer to our API documentation to look up the type of data each attribute supports.


The email address is invalid (e.g., not properly formatted). Check that the email address is properly formatted and only includes allowed characters.


The URL provided is invalid. Check that the URL is properly formatted.


An invalid value was provided in the payment method attribute. Check that the payment method has one of the following values: credit, cash, external, or invoice.


The date and time provided are invalid. Check that the date and time are valid ISO format (e.g., 2022-09-08T22:06:24.024Z).


The passengers provided is invalid. Check that the passengers value is an integer with a minimum value of 1.


The ID provided is not valid. Either the resource does not exist, or an ID for a different resource has been provided.

Last updated